To Sleep or Not To Sleep...

Guess what? That doesn’t have to be the question! There are so many things that can cause us to lose sleep, or to toss and turn throughout the night. But the good news is life doesn’t have to be that way! 

I’ve never really had trouble sleeping growing up. I used to be able to sleep anywhere and knock out as soon as my head hit the pillow. But as age creeps up on me (sigh) I’ve noticed that if I have a lot on my mind or if I'm dealing with a stressful situation then I have trouble staying asleep throughout the night. While I can’t do anything about my age creeping up, I found a solution to end those sleepless nights! 

So you wanna know my secret to falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night? Ready? 


I’ve found the perfect diffuser recipe to help me sleep throughout the night.

Goodnight Sleep Tight Diffuser Recipe

2 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil 

2 drops Lavender Essential Oil 

2 drops Stress Away Essential Oil  

Add all 3 oils with water into your favorite diffuser (here's mine) and let it run through the night. 

Want a little more sleep assurance? Maybe you really have trouble sleeping? I absolutely love Young Living's SleepEssence and ImmuPro capsules which contain essential oils that have sleep-enhancing properties. It's so effective and a safe way to ensure a full night's sleep. I take either of these whenever I know I have a big day ahead of me and want to make sure I’m very well rested. It’s so nice to have all natural options and not have to worry about it containing any harmful ingredients.

So the next time you’re wondering why you’re up in the middle of the night, just remember you don’t have to be. Grab some oils and get some rest!

You’ll thank me in the morning!

Love this info? You'll LOVE my guide on Wellness. Check it out right here. 


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