6 Remedies to get rid of a headache naturally

6 Remedies to get rid of a headache naturally
My Head Hurts!...How many times do you say that throughout the day, week, month? Probably one too many!
It's the most uncomfortable feeling, and they always come at the worst time. They are the most unwelcome guest... the one that just never seems to know when to leave.

I’ve seen specialists, had tests done, been put on prescription medication, all to have reactions from the medicine that turned out to be worse than the headache itself! So I researched and experimented with natural remedies to bring relief from head tension.

Here's what has helped me along the way:

  • Acupuncture
I've found acupuncture therapy to be very effective in reducing my pain. Acupuncture has long been recognized as an effective treatment for chronic pain. Acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system which release chemicals into body thus stimulating the body's natural healing abilities.

  • Chiropractor Visits
If you carry tension in your shoulders like I do, a visit to the chiropractor can help loosen up your muscles when stressed which may be a cause of head tension in the first place.

Now for simple things you can do at home:

  • Diffuse Essential Oils
There are so many different uses for essential oils and there are some that can help relieve head tension.* 
I recommend diffusing these oils together when you need relief:

  • Make Essential Oil Capsules
In addition to diffusing essential oils, there are certain essential oils that are safe to ingest+ 
Once I feel a headache coming on, before grabbing over the counter medicine, I make this instead:

Add carrier oil of your choice (I like to use coconut oil)

Young Living's Vitality line are the only oils I recommend that are safe for ingestion. 

  • Drink Peppermint Tea
Drinking mint tea regularly can help reduce physical stress in your body and help bring relief. Never underestimate the power of a good cup of hot tea!

  • Stay Hydrated
Drinking more water at the onset of symptoms can help before a headache becomes full-blown. The recommended amount is 8-16 oz of water every few hours. Beverages high in caffeine like alcohol and coffee can be triggers and should be avoided.

My life has improved so much since incorporating these changes into my life. Taking charge of your health and doing what's right for you and your body is one of the most satisfying things you can ever do!

*I am not a doctor, and do not make any promises that these remedies will relieve, or cure you. There may be serious medical conditions which require you to seek help from a medical professional. I merely share what has helped me in hopes that it can be helpful to someone else.

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