6 Remedies to get rid of a headache naturally

6 Remedies to get rid of a headache naturally
My Head Hurts!...How many times do you say that throughout the day, week, month? Probably one too many!

I hate when my head hurts! It's the most uncomfortable experience, and they always seem to come at the worst time. They are the most unwelcome guest...you know, the one that just never seems to know when to leave.

I’ve seen specialists and had tests done, been put on prescription medication, all to have reactions from the medicine that turned out to be worse than the headache itself! So I took it upon myself to research and experiment with natural remedies to bring me relief from the head tension. And I finally did.

The days of living with pain for days on end are gone. There are some things I do recommend seeing a professional for which I'll mention below. but keep reading to find out some simple things you can do at home for big relief. Here's what's helped me along the way:

Naturally Surviving Your Period

Naturally Surviving Your Period
Raise your hands if you've ever been personally victimized by your period.

If you're like me, then you absolutely DREAD that time of the month and you know that during those few days, there will be mood swings, bloating, headaches, heaviness and an unbearable pain that when I describe to my mama friends, tell me that it sounds like I'm describing childbirth!

I've spent years trying to find relief. Sure, the easy fix that doctors will say is to go on birth control, but that's not an option for everyone. So what if you're looking for another alternative?