How to Fall in love...with taking care of yourself

So every year, twice a year, like clockwork, I used to get sick. For years. It didn’t matter what I did to try to avoid it, it was just inevitable. 

I would get antibiotics from the doctor and use that along with over the counter medicine...but I would never recover any faster, it would still take 2 full weeks before I started feeling a little better. So what exactly were these pills doing for me?

Copayments, antibiotics & over the counter meds was just a never-ending cycle. The root cause of why I kept getting sick with the same symptoms for the same length of time was just never addressed. 

I look back on those days now in amazement that I lived like that for so long. But when that’s all you know what can you do? Little did I know that all along, prevention started with me.

So what changes did I make? So glad you asked :-)

First, I made some changes to my diet. I incorporated more fruits & vegetables into my diet by juicing & eating more salads. I juiced every morning for two months and still regularly include it in my diet.  Here’s my favorite juice recipe:

Mean Green Juice

*1/2 cup Pineapple chunks   *4 stalks Celery  *2 handfuls Spinach *2 Cucumbers  *2 apples

Next, I started swapping out products in my home that were full of chemicals and toxic ingredients. So of course, no one really thinks of everyday household products as having chemicals in it, especially when we’re just using products our parents used. Under my kitchen sink I had a bunch of different products, each for a different purpose (window cleaner, stove cleaner, bathroom cleaner, etc.) Now, looking under my sink brings me so much joy (that Marie Kondo type joy) because there’s just one product under there which cleans every surface in my home, is made with natural ingredients and is safe to use around pets and kids. In fact, if they were to accidentally swallow it, they would only need to drink more water. No need to call poison control (YAY!) This is it!

Another change was using these instead of dryer sheets! (HUGE!) 

Lastly, I decided to change out pills for plants! Realizing there was a natural way to get relief from so many common things such as stomach issues, head tension, tightness in my chest...and I could safely and naturally build up my immune system and take charge of my health was eye opening for me. As I did this, I started to notice I was going to the doctor less, over the counter stuff, things I had taken for years, I was no longer buying, but had replaced it with healthier options. It worked so consistently and more effectively than anything I had ever used in my life. Check out some of my favorites:

Digestion Issues: Digize
Head Tension: Peppermint
Trouble Breathing: R.C.
Immune Support: Thieves

My life has improved so much since making these changes. I truly believe that if something doesn’t make you happy, change it! No matter what it is...if it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive. Taking charge of my health is one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done. Your health is in your hands. What choice will you make?

Loved this, you’ll love my guide on wellness! Grab it Here!


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