What are Essential Oils?

And why I started using them...

Essential oils have been around for years, but many people don't know what they are or what they can help with.

They are the lifeblood of a plant and are extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing.

Using essential oils in your home can bring tremendous benefits to you and your family. From effective, safe home cleaners to pet care, multivitamins to weight management, oral care to hair care, body care and kids care, to antioxidant support and more, there are solutions to help you live naturally.

Why I Use Essential Oils

Ever since I started incorporating essential oils into my daily life, lots of things began to change for me and my family. Some of the things essential oils can be used for are to:
  • Inspire a positive emotional state
  • Enhance your physical wellness
  • Provide calming & relaxation support
  • Support your respiratory system
  • Purify your home 
  • And so much more!




Dietary Consumption

Why Young Living?

Not all oils are created equal. Find out why I only use Young Living!

Information courtesy of Josie Williams