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Meet Josie Williams


For so long, I felt that life just had to be this way…

My life was filled with constant head tension, so much so that I thought something was seriously wrong. My purse looked like a pharmacy. You would never find me without over-the-counter products to help me find relief. I would take meds constantly, for years, worried about the damage I might be doing to my liver, but also feeling like what other choice did I have? Things had gotten so bad, I went to see a specialist. He sent me to have an MRI done to see if there was something unusual. The diagnosis: everything is fine! Comforting to know there was not something more serious going on, but I was still left without answers! How could everything be fine? Everything didn't feel fine. He prescribed medicine for me to take. I remember taking it one day and feeling like my legs were going to give out. It was the scariest feeling. I went back to the specialist and explained the side effect. He said oh yes that's normal, we call that rubber legs. What?! He prescribed another medicine for me. When I read the side effects, one of them said “may cause death”. Umm no thanks. I'll just continue to live the way I have been. Or so I thought :-)

Then one day my friend recommended that I try something new. However, not knowing anything about what she recommended, I went to the only store where I had ever seen it and bought it from there. The result? It would help some of the time but was more like a hit or miss thing. So I was still left without any permanent solution.

    THREE years after that encounter, and still suffering most of the time with head tension, another friend finally introduced me to a new way of life! What was different this time? She took the time to introduce the correct product to me and showed me what it was for and how to use it. I had nothing to lose. And guess what? I have never felt better! I’m happier and healthier. Before this, I was so reliant on over-the-counter products that barely even worked for me.  Now when I feel head tension and pressure coming on, I know exactly what to do to combat it. And I could not be happier with the results.

If my story sounds like YOUR story, we need to talk. 

There is hope, and life can be so much better!!

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